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25th April 2024 11:14 pm

“A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries."

A snapshot of our times

What an exhausting week. By way of example and mindful as ever of this Government’s leadership of the nation, I spent yesterday trying to find some Turnips in line with Ms Coffey’s exhortation to embrace the root vegetable. We don’t have many shops besides the Coop and a very nice Butcher in Lambourn. Neither had […]


Annual domain registrations, site hosting, software licences, form guides, research costs and a host of other minor and but not inconsequential outgoings are the burden for all website owners.

Even the smallest donation can make the difference between the Off and On switch.

It’s not just that once in a while we actually prove accurate, and you possibly make a bit of pocket money, but occasionally, we might perhaps suggest a view that could possibly change someone’s mind. For the better.

That’s a lot of Maybes and Possiblies, but sometimes we have to try and change a plan or encourage them to move a mountain, and if that means we make you smile, or shout with anger, or shake with laughter, then Huzzah!

That’s your donation that did that. Thank You.